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Birthday Eve: Reflecting

I haven’t been on here in a while, life is crazy (especially with a now mobile baby). Tomorrow is sweet Willa’s birthday and my momma...

Mental Illness and Motherhood: The Reality

Sundays have always been my bad days mentally. I’m not sure if it’s the coming week that overwhelms me or just that Sundays are slow sit...

Holiday Rewind

Now that the holidays are winding down, I have some time to reflect. Willa’s first Christmas was so magical for her. But I’ll admit, I...

Thanksgiving 🧡

Willa had such a fun Thanksgiving! We made some little footprint turkeys for her grandparents and had three dinners. She loved trying all...

Tis the Season

It’s that time of year again, the holidays. Willa is the perfect age for trying Thanksgiving foods and being aware at Christmas, maybe...

Take A Break

I’ll be honest, I haven’t written in a while because I really haven’t felt like doing much of anything. It’s the lively time of year when...

Our First Anniversary

Zach and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. I thought I’d take some time and reflect on the past year. It has been full of...

Our Story

My husband, Zachary, and I met working in our tiny little town’s only grocery store. I was a cashier and he worked in the deli. We...

Blog: Blog2
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