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  • Writer's pictureJoyanna Landes Bejmovicz

Holiday Rewind

Now that the holidays are winding down, I have some time to reflect. Willa’s first Christmas was so magical for her. But I’ll admit, I had some disappointments.

I understand that she’s never going to remember her first Christmas, she’s too little. I think as a parent though we always wish we could do more, buy more. Not that she needs anymore toys. Naturally I still wanted to give her everything. Literally. I found myself ashamed that I couldn’t buy every toy I thought she might like. She plays with toys for five minutes before the next thing is more interesting.

So I’ve decided in 2022 that I’ll give her more gifts. A happier mom, a more patient mom, a more understanding mom. Material things are great, but at the end of the day they don’t really matter. What matters is how she feels. As long as she feels loved, heard, and cared for, I’m doing just fine.

I rarely make resolutions, I think they‘re a set up for failure. We choose impossible things and then give up once you get to the muddled day to day of accomplishing them. I do think it’s important to reflect and ponder what you’d like to change. But it’s also important to give yourself some grace. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were you.

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