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  • Writer's pictureJoyanna Landes Bejmovicz

Take A Break

I’ll be honest, I haven’t written in a while because I really haven’t felt like doing much of anything. It’s the lively time of year when seasonal depression begins on top of all the regular stuff. It’s been a struggle to meet everyone’s basic needs, let alone do anything extra.

Being a stay at home mom is quite possibly my favorite thing in the world, but that doesn’t mean I wake up happy everyday. I‘ve noticed that it’s a common theme among most moms to feel unappreciated. The busy parts of life get in the way and you run out of time to do the little things, the loving things. It can be so hard to feel like you even get one iota of the things done that need finished. So even if all you did today was play with your baby and maybe clean half the bathroom, cheers to you. You’re doing great.

Feeling unappreciated is often coupled with feeling like you’re invisible, like everything you’re feeling isn’t justified. Being a nursing mom doesn’t mean you don’t need a break. Being a stay at home mom doesn’t mean you don’t need a break. Being the worlds most laid back and carefree mom doesn’t mean you don’t need a break. Being a mother is a full time job, you deserve a break.

So here’s a challenge, take 2 hours to yourself this week. Go for a drive, take the dog for a walk, read a book in the bathtub. Give yourself time away from your child. You and your mental health deserve that.



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