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  • Writer's pictureJoyanna Landes Bejmovicz

Our First Anniversary

Zach and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. I thought I’d take some time and reflect on the past year. It has been full of changes, both good and bad. We have tried our best to remain on each other’s side no matter what. Not only did we get married, move to a new town, and Zach start nor one, but two new jobs, we also became parents. And while I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. The first year really is the hardest.

When you become parents, you push yourself and your relationship to the wayside for your child. It can be hard to be newlyweds and lose that focus on just being married. I won’t lie, marriage is glamorized most of the time. Nobody wants to talk about the fights and the challenges that throw things off. Zachary and I have a solid relationship, but it’s easy to snap at each other when you’re tired or feeling unappreciated. We went on a date night to celebrate our anniversary and it was so good to just be us, and not have to worry about our child. It sounds terrible, but everybody needs a break from time to time.

So now that the ugly part is over. Here are some of my favorite things about being married.

- He’s always there (even when I don’t want him to be.)

- I do life with my best friend everyday.

- We have a beautiful daughter who is loved beyond measure.

- We laugh at least 10 times a day.

- Even through the struggles, we’re doing alright.

- There is love, immense love.

While it definitely has its ups and downs, we wouldn’t change a single thing. Getting engaged a month into our relationship was the best decision we ever made. I can’t wait to see what is on the horizon for us this next year.



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